Spread the Love Linky Party: The end of an era

Spread the Love via Love at First Book

It’s a tough decision, but this week’s linky party will be my last.  I’ve been hosting the Spread the Love Linky Party for 17 weeks, and it has been a huge success!  I am shocked and awed at the number of brand new bloggers I have found through the party, and that have stopped by to link up and say hello.

Thank you to everyone who has linked up, and I hope to continue to connect with you through the blogs!

The most clicked-on link by far was Andi @ Estella’s Revenge’s amazing post on 15 Topics for Your Blogging Blues.  Andi’s a blogging pro, having been blogging for longer than most, and her tips are always so valuable.  This post is no different.

Meg Medina, Love at First Book, & Doing Dewey at ALAMW14

Author Meg Medina, myself, & Katie @ Doing Dewey at ALAMW14

This past week I went to ALAMW14, which is a library conference.  It was held in Philadelphia and it was a blast!  Katie from Doing Dewey joined me, and we walked away with a ton of books. . . and some aching shoulders from carrying those books!  Check out my post for the full information!

Now it’s your turn to show off your most amazing post!


  • Link up your greatest book review, bookish post, DIY, tutorial, craft project, fashion amazingness, green post, whatever is fabulous this week or before that is yours!
  • Spread even more loveClick on the link right before yours and say something nice! It’s a great way to learn about a new blog and an amazing post that someone worked so hard on! We all love nice comments on our own blogs, so take a minute to spread the love.
  • By linking up, you are granting the party hosts permission to promote you and an image from your site in a featured post or on social media. Meaning, if I or anyone else thinks your post is as amazing as you think it is, we might just promote it! Which I can only see as a positive, don’t you agree?

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23 thoughts on “Spread the Love Linky Party: The end of an era

  1. The book event sounds so much fun. But you really need to get a book dolly suitcase thinger. Rose has one and it is really cool. It is a little dolly with a box attached to it so she can pull her books around instead of carrying them. We did that for an author event and it was so helpful.


  2. You did a great job running the Spread the Love Linky party and I hope the new owner continues what you’ve established 🙂

    BTW I also linked a friend’s blog post that I thought was good to share. It is #21.


  3. Pingback: Tuesday Mashup | Traveling With T

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