Amity & Sorrow by Peggy Riley

Amity & Sorrow by Peggy Riley seems to have mixed reviews, even from my trusted blogger friends.

But I’m not mixed about my feelings in the least.  This book was amazing!  Dark and full of desperation and sadness, for sure.


Look at how cool the front and back covers at on this copy! Creepy, right?

Amity & Sorrow is a story about two sisters, Amity, age 12, and Sorrow, older, but unsure of her exact age, who escape with their mother Amaranth from a dangerous polygamous cult.

Amaranth, first wife of fifty wives, decides it’s time to escape when she realizes a few hard truths.

Amity and Sorrow have a difficult time adjusting to life in the “real world” outside of the cult, and Sorrow resists wholeheartedly.

This story is about the cult, sexual perversions (but not graphic), sorrow, and trying to create a new life in a world with many unknowns.

I don’t think this book is for everyone.  It’s dark, creepy, depressing.  But it’s a unique book and very interesting, if you can handle the hopelessness it induces.

Here are a few other opinions on Amity & Sorrow:

Thanks to Allison @ The Book Wheel for passing on this book to me, and thanks to Leah @ Books Speak Volumes for sending it Allison’s way!

Does this sound like the kind of book you would read?


Interested in getting your own copy? Check it out on Amazon & IndieBound. I get a small percentage if you purchase from those links, and it doesn’t cost you any extra.