The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway – Book 64

My Grandpa Ben and I used to go fishing in the lake? canal? pond? in my grandparent’s old condo neighborhood.  I wasn’t some great fisherman (caught my finger on a hook at least once) but it’s a fun experience and a great memory I have of my grandfather and I from when I was younger before he passed away.

So to help with my A-Z Book Challenge, I picked up The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway.  It’s a short read and was written in the 1950’s, taking place in Cuba.  I had no idea it was so “modern” for classic literature.  I mean, Hemingway’s characters were discussing the Yankees baseball team and Joe DiMaggio.

Anyway, The Old Man and the Sea is a book about an older man who is having bad luck catching fish, but in general he’s a great fisherman.  One day after a long streak of no fish, he goes out alone, only to hook an enormous catch.

But will he be able to make it back to shore with the fish?  And will he make it alive?

This book was good, but seems to be right in the middle for me.  I thought the ending fell a little flat.  And the whole time I was reading, there were these little shark-killing episodes that had me thinking. . . oh no, Allison @ The Book Wheel would not like this (since she’s like a crazy anti-hurting-sharks person).

My overall thoughts?  If you need a short classic to read, this is a decent one.  I wasn’t thrilled, but mainly because the ending was a little too short for me.

Tell me about your fishing experience!
